finding spirit in diversity

Our label-free work environment liberates us from defining our worth solely through our roles, allowing our work to transcend predefined boundaries.
Enhancing our skills in fundamentals like sketching or even advanced techniques like creating nodes in Blender is crucial to us.
Sketching is an important skill since it essentially helps us simplify & communicate our ideas easily. It's a useful superpower for designers.
Given that our work is centered around product design, we participate in weekly UI/UX sessions to ensure that we consistently refine our understanding of UI/UX fundamentals.
While our work primarily takes place remotely, we make it a point to come together in person from time to time, not only to foster a sense of community among like-minded creatives but also to have a fantastic time connecting and enjoying each other's company.
Beyond our design expertise, we also nurture our individual talents, including our very own in-house music project called ODM.


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